123 research outputs found

    Democratic Development in Independent Belarus

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    The incorporation of oral historical tradition in the early historical texts : Snorri's Ynglingasaga and Nestor’s Primary Chronicle

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    Oral tradition is one of the most important sources of early history-writing all over Europe. However its usage by the first authors of ‘barbarian histories’ and the mechanisms of its incorporation in the texts, in spite of many common features, differ greatly in various regional traditions. Both Snorri and Nestor base on historical traditions about early rulers, they both construct genealogical sequences of Uppsala konungs and Kievan princes, and develop characteristic patterns of ‘biographic’ description with a fixed set of events and a special stress on the deaths and burial places of the lords. Both Snorri and Nestor are Christians, however their texts show principally different attitudes to the Christian tradition and different degree of dependence on the Bible as a model for depicting events. Though both Snorri and Nestor strive to incorporate their national history into the world one, that is into the history of the Christian world, their methods of doing so vary. One of the main reasons of principal differences between the construction of early history by Snorri and by Nestor lies in the tradition which served as a model for each of them: the saga tradition for Snorri and the Byzantine chronicle-writing for Nestor

    Имя Тудоръ в домонгольской Руси: христианское или скандинавское?

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    The personal name Tudorъ is attested for the first time in Old Russian sources in the treaty between Rus’ and Byzantium of 944 and it occurs later in chronicles, birchbark letters, and other written sources up to the end of the 12th century. It is traditionally interpreted as a variant of the Christian name Θεóδωρος/Fe(o)dorъ, although no Christian names are found among the roughly seventy personal names of the participants listed in the preamble to the treaty; the overwhelming majority of the names are Scandinavian. The name Tudorъ is much more satisfactorily derived from a popular Scandinavian anthroponym Þjóðarr. In the 11th‒12th centuries, it was widely used both by Old Russian nobility (not of Rurikid origin) and by ordinary inhabitants of the Novgorodian land. This name, however, began to be confused with the phonetically close Christian name Fedorъ/Feodorъ already in the 12th century: in a graffito in St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, the week dedicated to St. Theodor of Tyron (the first week of Great Lent) is called ‘Tudor’s week.’ In the 13th century the name Tudorъ fell out of usage because it was replaced by the Christian name Fedorъ/Feodorъ.Личное имя Тудоръ, впервые зафиксированное в русско-византийском договоре 944 г., происходит от распространенного древнескандинавского антропонима Þjóðarr. В XII в. оно широко употреблялось как в среде древнерусской элиты (но не представителями клана Рюриковичей), так и жителями Новгородской земли. В XIII в. это имя выходит из употребления, замененное фонетически сходным христианским Федоръ/Феодоръ

    Pedagogical Aspects of Adaptation of First-Year Ukrainian and Foreign Russian-Speaking Students of the Department of Medicine

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    Timely adaptation of first-year students to new living conditions and educational activities is one of the most important challenges of high school. The objective of the research was to study and analyze the problems of adaptation to high school experienced by Ukrainian and foreign first-year students of the Department of Medicine. The questionnaires offered to students showed that the main adaptation difficulties arise in the educational sphere. At the end of the first term, most students positively assessed the degree of their adaptability and noted the leading role of groupmates and friends in its formation. The possible directions of higher educational institution activity facilitating the process of adaptation of first-year students to high school were analyzed. According to the results of the questionnaire survey which indicated that the main difficulties were a lack of leisure time and academic overload, there is a need to optimize academic overload, as well as to inform psychologists, curators and lecturers about the formation of students’ ability to rationally schedule their time and the development of independent working skills

    Whey Permeate Mineral Profile at Various Stages of Membrane Filtration

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    Background and Objective: Whey permeate powder is widely used in technologies of various line groups of food products, but the major limiting factor of its use is its high ash content. The aim of this study was to establish efficiency of ash decrease and change of mineral profile at various stages of production for producing demineralized whey permeate powder appropriate for further use in technologies of lactose. Material and Methods: Experiments were carried out based on the referee method and the common methods used in research practice. In this study, cheese whey and its concentrates and permeates achieved in the process of ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, electrodialysis, vacuum-evaporating and spray drying were used. Results and Conclusion: Ultrafiltration made it possible to partially remove Ca2+, total phosphorus and Mg2+ from cheese whey and nanofiltration was effective in partially remove of K+, Ca2+, Fe2+, Mg2+, Cu2+, Cl- and total phosphorus from ultrafiltration-permeates. Use of polymer membranes made it possible to prepare nanofiltration-concentrates with majorly lactose and increase the efficiency of electrodialysis due to their high permeability relative to water as well as their ability to eliminate proteins and partially ions of mineral salts. The mass fraction of ash in the final product decreased by 93.0%, compared to cheese whey. Furthermore, Na+ and K+ decreased by 89-94%, Ca2+ and Mg2+ decreased by 60-75%, the total phosphorus decreased by 78% and chlorides decreased by 70%. Results allow justifying the technological operation sequence to make products appropriate for further uses as raw materials for highly purified lactose. Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest


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    A study of the interannual variability of the size-age composition of M. barbatus ponticus, inhabiting the south-western shelf of the Crimea, was carried out over a five-year period (between 2016 and 2020). The influence of habitat temperature on growth rate is considered. Equations obtained characterize the size-weight growth of M. barbatus ponticus. The influence of the sea temperature on the development of individuals is considered. It is shown that with an increase in the average annual water temperature, the average annual length (correlation coefficient r = 0.97), weight (r = 0.96) and condition factor (r = 0.93) of individuals increase. It was found that red mullet has a positive allometric growth in the study area. The analysis showed that there was a close correlation between changes in the average annual temperature and the allometric growth rate b (r = 0.97). The equations of length growth of M. barbatus ponticus showed retarded linear growth of the fish living on the south-western shelf of the Crimea in comparison with other areas, Sinop region (Black Sea) and the Aegean Sea. The comparison of the effect of temperature on the size and weight parameters of M. barbatus ponticus living in the south-eastern part of the Black Sea (Sinop region) and the Aegean Sea is carried out; general patterns and differences are noted.Istraživanje varijabilnosti veličinsko-dobnog sastava trlje blatarice (M. barbatus ponticus), koja nastanjuje jugozapadni šelfu Krima, provedeno je u razdoblju od pet godina (od 2016. do 2020.). Analizirao se utjecaj temperaturnog faktora staništa na brzinu rasta. Razmatran je utjecaj abiotskih čimbenika okoliša na stopu rasta. Dobivene jednadžbe karakteriziraju dužinsko maseni rast M. barbatus ponticus. Razmatran je utjecaj temperature mora na razvoj jedinki. Utvrđeno je da se porastom prosječne godišnje temperature vode povećavaju prosječna godišnja dužina (koeficijent korelacije r = 0.97), težina (r = 0.96) i faktor kondicije (r = 0.93) jedinki. Utvrđeno je da trlja blatarice ima pozitivan alometrijski rast na istraživanom području. Analiza je pokazala da postoji uska korelacija između promjena prosječne godišnje temperature i alometrijske brzine rasta b (r = 0.97). Dobivene jednadžbe rasta duljine M. barbatus ponticus pokazale su da je stopa linearnog rasta riba koje žive na jugozapadnom šelfu Krima smanjena prema ostalim uspoređenim područjima: regije Sinop (Crno more) i Egejsko more. Izvršena je usporedba utjecaja temperature na dužinsko-masene parametre M. barbatus ponticus koja živi u jugoistočnom dijelu Crnog mora (regija Sinop) i Egejskog mora gdje su zabilježeni opći obrasci i razlike

    Phenotypic and Genetic Diversity of Uropathogenic Enterococcus faecalis Strains Isolated in the Primorsky Region of Russia

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    Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a topical problem of the contemporary pediatrics, pediatric nephrology, and urology. E. faecalis isolated from urine of children was the most important factor in development of UTIs at departments for newborns in Primorsky region. The variability of biochemical and fermentation activities of pathogenicity factors and resistance to antibiotics suggested a phenotypic heterogeneity of E. faecalis. It was found that uropathogenic enterococci characterized with proteolytic activity are resistant to antibacterial agents with different action mechanisms. Clinical isolates of E. faecalis contained two and more studied pathogenicity genes. Eleven variants of genes combinations, which code pathogenicity factors of E. faecalis, were identified. Uropathogenic E. faecalis strains attributed to ST6, ST40, ST179, ST774, and ST116 are resistant to four and more groups of antimicrobial agents. Our research confirmed high virulence properties of E. faecalis isolated from urine of patients with and their manifestations depending on the patient’s age. Clinically significant E. faecalis strains have a complex of virulent properties, which allow the bacteria to materialize their pathogenic potential on all stages of the inflammation process in urinary system

    Бог философов: индивидуальная интерпретация трансценденции и проблема взаимовлияния

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    The article discusses the understanding of the Transcendental Beginning in the philosophical teachings of the XIX-XX centuries, which fulfills the function of replacing the deity in them. The authors reveal ad hoc individual motivation for the meeting of a philosopher with the Transcendence. At the same time, it is not always an obvious, sometimes carefully hidden, mutual influence of leading philosophers, which is likely to be contradictory cooperation in polemics reminiscent of theological disputes of the distant past. For every philosopher, what is declared to be universal human values is not conventions, but unshakable constants. At the same time, in a philosophical (as well as in a theological) dispute, they defend even the highest values — universal or divine — as the only possible ones for themselves. The insight into the origin of the world, which gives it a beginning, is considered in the material of the works of A. Schopenhauer, F. Nietzsche, A. Bergson and M. Heidegger (the authors of the article show both similarities and differences in philosophical ideas about the fundamental ontological).В статье обсуждается понимание Трансцендентного Начала в философских учениях XIX–XX веков, которое выполняет в них функцию замещения божества. Выявляется всякий раз индивидуальная мотивация встречи философа с Трансценденцией, но при этом — не всегда явное, а порой и тщательно скрываемое взаимовлияние ведущих философов, которое можно рассматривать как противоречивое сотрудничество в полемике, напоминающее богословские диспуты далекого прошлого. То, что объявляется общечеловеческими ценностями, понимается каждым из философов не как конвенции, а как незыблемые константы, но при этом в философском (равно как и в теологическом) споре даже наивысшие ценности — общечеловеческие или божественные — отстаиваются как единственно возможные для себя лично. Понимание первоистока мира, полагающего ему начало, рассматривается на материале работ А. Шопенгауэра, Ф. Ницше, А. Бергсона и М. Хайдеггера (авторы статьи показывают как сходство, так и различие в философских представлениях о фундаментально-онтологическом)

    Integrating Terminology Extraction and Word Embedding for Unsupervised Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis

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    In this paper we explore the advantages that unsupervised terminology extraction can bring to unsupervised Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis methods based on word embedding expansion techniques. We prove that the gain in terms of F-measure is in the order of 3%.Nel presente articolo analizziamo l’interazione tra syistemi di estrazione “classica” terminologica e systemi basati su techniche di “word embedding” nel contesto dell’analisi delle opinioni. Domostreremo che l’integrazione di terminogie porta un guadagno in F-measure pari al 3% sul dataset francese di Semeval 2016

    The research of whey permeate mineral profile at different stages of membrane filtration

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    Whey permeate powder is widely used in technologies of various line groups of food products, but the main limiting factor of its application is its high ash content. This research aimed to establish the efficiency of ash reduction and change of mineral profile at various stages of production for obtaining demineralized whey permeate powder suitable for further usage in technologies of lactose. The experiments were carried out following the referee method and the common methods used in research practice. The objects of research were cheese whey and its concentrate and permeate obtained in the process of ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF), electrodialysis (ED), vacuum-evaporating and spray drying. UF made it possible to remove partially Ca2+, total phosphorus, and Mg2+ from cheese whey, NF was effective in removing part of K+, Ca2+, Fe2+, Mg2+, Cu2+, Cl- and total phosphorus from UF-permeate. Using polymer membranes made it possible to obtain the NF-concentrate containing mainly lactose and increase the efficiency of ED due to their high permeability relative to water, as well as their ability to eliminate proteins and partially some ions of mineral salts. The mass fraction of ash in the finished product decreased by 93.0% compared with cheese whey, as well as Na+ and K+ by 89-94%, and Ca2+ and Mg2+ by 60-75%; the total phosphorus – by 78%; chlorides – by 70%. The obtained results allow to justify the technological operation sequence to produce a product suitable for further usage as a raw material for highly purified lactose